All Rights Reserved as to all paintings, images and content in this website (Not to be used or copied without express permission)

#1-The Hermit St. Paul & St. Anthony 1995 (56 x 36) Oil Stretched Canvas

#3 Self Portrait in the Solarium 1987 (50 x40) Oil Framed

#5- Wedding at Cana 1994 (60 x 50) Oil framed

#7 - Ship of Fools: The Goose Ship 1996 (60 x 42) Oil Stretched Canvas (one of his last three paintings in studio in progress)

#10- The Voyage to the Sarras (search for the Holy Grail) 1983 (46 x 40) Oil Framed

#12-Tempelhupfen (Hopscotch) 1978 (30x 20) Oil Framed

#14- The Calligrapher (unfinished one of last three in progress in studio) 1996 (52 x 42) Oil Stretched

#2 -Ship of Fools Series(54'x38') Oil Rolled

SOLD - At the Shore Piazzetta 1993 (46 x 40) Oil Stretched

#6-The Coup 1983 (46 x50) Oil Framed

#8- The Dream of Magi (unfinished last painting on easel) 1996 (44 x 42) Oil Stretched

#9- Krishna's Elephant (Ganesh)1996 (48 x 42) Collage on Luan Board Framed

#11-Tete a Tete 1994 (38 x 30) Oil Framed

#13- The Prologue1991 (42 x 34) Oil Framed

#15- Tobiolo 1975 (30 x 24) Oil Stretched

#16- The Angels (Kiss in the Garden) 1982 (45 x 55) Oil Framed

#17- PonyMan 1992 (40'x36') Oil Stretched

#18- For Cybele (Dies Sanguinis)1978 (71 x 76) Oil Rolled Canvas

#19- The Red Circle (Kiss in the Garden) 1982 (44 x 42) Oil Framed

#20 (detail) - Jungle War - detail from above

#20- Paco Cruentos (Jungle War Triptych) 1988 (48 x 78) Vietnam Oil Stretched

#21- The Pledge (38 x 46) Oil Framed

#22 - Blue Halo (kiss in the Garden) 1982 (42 x 36)

#23- The Betrayal (5 Standing Figures-Kiss in the Garden) 1982 (54 x 40) Oil Stretched

#24- Variations of a Reclining Figure (5 panel polytych 48 x 125) Oil Stretched
All Rights Reserved as to all paintings, images and content in this website (not to be used or copied without express permission)
The Quam Estate has high quality slides of many of the Quam paintings that have been sold and can make custom canvas reproductions or posters of many of his paintings upon request as has numerous sketches and lithographs some of which can be seen under the [Quam Books/Contact Info] tab at the top of the page.